Office of Campus Sustainability (OCS) and the Sustainability Research Alliance (SRA) with the cooperation of United Nation Environment Programme (UNEP) are organizing a Second UTM Sustainability Public Lecture as follows:

Date   : 19th June 2014 (Thursday)
Time : 9.00am – 10.30am
Venue  : Convention Hall B12, Faculty of Built Environment (FAB)
Topic : Holistic Waste Management Approach
Speaker  : Dr. Mushtaq Ahmed Memon (UNEP)

Dr. Mushtaq Ahmed Memon is Programme Officer at International Environmental Technology Centre (IETC) of Division of Technology, Industry and Economics at UNEP-Osaka, Japan, . His expert area is waste management including integrated solid waste management for cities, waste and climate change, disaster waste management, e-waste management, eco towns, and public-private partnerships.

The lecture will cover the possibility of UTM to join the university consortium in IETC – UNEP for
students and researcher. It is part of UTM Campus Sustainability involvement in the Global University Partnership in Environment and Sustainability (GUPES) – UNEP.