Perpustakaan Sultanah Zanariah

UTM Library occupies a central location at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) main campus in Skudai. It has a branch at the UTM Kuala Lumpur and also branches at several faculties, learning centres and Centres of Excellence. UTM Library was officiated by Her Majesty Sultanah Zanariah, the Chancellor of University Teknologi Malaysia on 3rd February 1991.

For more information:

-Lawatan & taklimat ringkas

Durasi: 30 minit

Had Umur: 7 tahun ke atas

Minimum Peserta: 10 orang

Maksimum Peserta: 40 orang

Waktu Operasi: 8.00 pagi-5.00 petang (Ahad-Khamis)