About Us
Department of Deputy Vice Chancellor UTM consist of five main offices or divisions known as Deputy Vice Chancellor (Development) Office, Occupational Environment, Safety & Health Office, Advancement Division Office, Business Management Division, and Advancement and Business Management Office (UTM KL).
The office Deputy Vice Chancellor (Development) is responsible for corporate administrative strategies, human resource, financial management, legal advisory and ICT support. The office is also responsible for handling overseas travel applications for non-academics, approval of paperwork or seminar, special meetings or programs, KAI reporting and monitoring as well as staff’s designation, welfare, training and performance. In addition, the main office is also responsible for the university’s financial management such as purchasing, monitoring of funding and safekeeping of the university’s assets. Overlooking all these aspects, it is then important that we have a strong legal standing through documents, contracts and agreements (MOU/MOA).
In providing a healthy and safe workplace, the office of Occupational Environment, Safety & Health organises programs or activities that caters to the health and safety needs of the UTM community, as a whole. The office also help to execute audit and checks on workplace and facilities in UTM on top of investigating complaints or possible hazards at work including workplace-related accidents or work-related diseases. More or less, Occupational Environment, Safety & Health Office roles is to become the secretariat and coordinator for UTM community while promoting trainings and campaigns related to health and safety.
As for the Advancement Division, it mainly focuses on philanthropic initiatives. This typically includes fundraising, alumni relations, data management or advancement services, communications and marketing, and government relations.
Business Development Division, on the other hand is generally responsible for activities that generate new business opportunities, including product or service design, business model design, and marketing. This includes developing a new product or technology and investing or divesting corporate assets.
Located at the heart of Kuala Lumpur, our Advancement and Business Management Kuala Lumpur office serves as one-stop-centre for income generation activities related to business and advancement. This office’s expertise include identifying potential new businesses and philanthropists around Klang Valley. They are also responsible for planning, monitoring and maintaining university’s assets in Kuala Lumpur.
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