+(6) 07-5531131 edy@utm.my

On 27th October 2014, was held a Talk Programme with Administration at the Senate Hall. The lecture was delivered by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Development), Prof. Dr. Azlan bin Abdul Rahman. The title of the speech delivered by DVCDev was  ‘Stress and Work-Life Balance’ covering on DNA of an institution and their characteristics which can be changed, improvised and repaired. Summary from the talk in order to cultivate culture of sustainability are as follow:

1) Each of PTJ should enforce the agenda of Sustainability- Green Office; waste reduction;recycling;energy saving; OSHE

2) Instilling right mindset about sustainability and help in developing sustainability leadership.

3)Administrator should be able to understand the catalyst behind what should be done by academic staff.

4)Administrators need to work in both academic and corporate positions associated with the research and the teaching and understanding of what academics have to do. Changes together should be an experience

5)Administrative leaders must facilitate the sharing of positive academic-administrators

6)Do not commit crimes against others  (al -makru, al-baghyu dan an-naktsu).

This talk programme started in 2.30 p.m and ended at 4.30 p.m.